Friday, April 2, 2010

Waiting for little brother

If you can't tell from the pictures, Ady is really excited and says she is ready for her little brother to come. About every day she asks us "when baby come out?" or "can baby come play now?". Were pretty used to her mimicking things we do, but the other day when she had her baby up her shirt like mommy, really made me laugh. Notice the dolls head sticking out of her shirt, without even being told, she seems to know that the baby is upside down. Of course, Kasey is even more ready than Ady for the little guy to come out. She is soooo tired of being pregnant. And I am soooo tired of her being pregnant(mostly of her complaining about it). The other day at the doctor's appointment we found out that Kasey has a bacteria, called group B strep, and that it is could be potentially very dangerous to the baby. So they are planning on inducing labor on the 12th so that they can have Kasey on antibiotics during the labor. Kasey of course says that the baby will come tomorrow. I've been hearing tomorrow for the last two weeks.
We moved over to Kasey's parents/grandma's house for now. We bought a trailer and are ready to move to Minnesota as soon as the baby can travel. Everyone always asks us what are plans are, and then when we look at them weird and ask "what plan?", they look back at us as if we are weird. So if you are wondering, no we don't have a plan, at least not a detailed one. No we don't have somewhere to live yet. No we haven't bought a resort. And no I don't have a job up there yet. But we feel this is the best option for us, and are looking forward to another adventure.


The Songer said...

Yay! Very happy for you guys!

Let us know if he comes before the 12th! (hopefully he does for her sake!)

Tell Kasey I think she still looks awesome being pregnant!

EmmaJ said...

Kasey, Good luck!!!!! I thought #2 was easier, I hope you do too.

Adam, from anyone else, "no plan" would be a worry, but coming from you it isn't. Anyone that knows you well knows that you are capable and will provide and will figure things out. So good luck to you to, and enjoy your new adventure.

The DuBois said...

Ady is so huge. I can't believe it.
I hope everything goes well with the delivery.
Have fun! (baby #2 is the real deal)

Five Bresees said...

Congrats Kasey :)! I had group B strep with Lily too. Turned out not to be a problem. Hope everything goes well! You look great!

Melissa and Justin said...

Adam you crack me up. Love the pics also, I needed the chuckle. Good luck with the move to Minnesota, not having a plan can be stressful at times but full of adventure. We have been winging it for about three years now and I am sure it will all work out great for you. Kasey, good luck with the delivery and I hope your last pregnant days aren't to horrible for you.

Mary Ann said...

I was wondering if you have had him yet or not. We are getting a she. We finally found out at 27 weeks. When you decide to get on moving to Minnesota CALL ME...I have family and friends up there and I can at least hook you up with a few friendly faces!