Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today-A day of waiting

Here's Kasey enjoying a moment getting to hold her baby. Brock has taken well to the medication stuff that he is hooked up to. He looks much better than he did, he is now a normal color, no more gray or blue color. The cardiologist talked with us today and they are planning to have him in surgery about noon tomorrow(Thursday). So I guess today we just hang out and wait. The waiting is kinda hard, but it beats having people rush around and then having them take your baby away to rush him into surgery. I figure that since they are comfortable waiting till tomorrow, Brock must be okay. Yesterday I counted about 15 cords, wires and hoses coming in or out of him. Today I only counted 8, so I guess that is a good thing. Both our parents came up last night and got to see Brock, and then we went out to dinner together. I think getting out of the hospital and enjoying a meal together was good for us, Kasey even smiled a couple of times. We are very grateful to all of the prayers, thoughts, and support for our family from all of you and will try to pass along updates as we learn more. Here is another picture of Kasey holding Brock and you can see in the background some of the machines and monitors that he is hooked up to.


Amy said...

Thanks so much for all the updates. You are very much in our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Kiss that sweet baby boy!

The Songer said...

Kasey you look awesome! Squeeze Brock for us! Take Care guys! Your family will be in our prayers!

EmmaJ said...

I hope everything went well today. You guys are in our prayers.