Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ady tries to kill Brock

Today we had to go into town so that I could get training on from the Forest Service for issuing permits for the BWCA. When I came out I saw Kasey walking with the kids on the far side of the parking lot around the bog/pond that is there. Ady was pushing Brock's stroller and you could hear both Ady and Brock laughing. Ady would run forward with the stroller and Brock would laugh which in turn made Ady laugh. I was halfway to them when today's chaotic moment occurred. Ady's running with the stroller had put her 10 yards ahead of Kasey and she started running with the stroller again, however, this time after a few yards of running she decided to give the stroller a good shove and let go of the stroller. Of course there happened to be a bit of a turn in the path and the stroller went right off the walkway, through the cattails and into the bog/pond. Kasey took off running to fish Brock out of the water, found the stroller upside down, with Brock strapped in and completely submersed underwater. Brock was not very happy, but calmed down fairly quick. He did have three pretty large scratch marks on the left side of his face from the sticks and cattails in the pond. Crazy kids, can't leave them alone, they might kill one another!
Monday night for our family activity we went swimming. Actually Ady and I swam, and Brock and Kasey just put their feet in the water. Ady was so excited when we told her that we were going to go swimming. She loved jumping off the dock, and the water felt so nice after the last couple of very hot days.
Here's Brock and Kasey enjoying the nice evening. Kasey kept sticking Brock's feet in the water and Brock would just start bawling. After his plunge earlier that morning he was terrified of water. Even when we gave him his shower he cried when he got wet. Before today he loved bathing and has never shown any issues with water.
Ady did pretty good at trying to kick, float and dunk her head in the water, but her favorite thing was riding on my back while I swam around.

This is a picture of the fog lifting off the lake while the sun was coming up. The water was perfectly flat and looked very picturesque.


The Laban Family said...

I'm glad Brock was ok! He's had a pretty rough life so far!! It looks beautiful out there though!!!

Tamaran said...

Oh my gosh! I can't imagine the panic I would be in. I'm glad Kasey got to him fast and everything was OK. Poor guy! You'll have to keep us updated on his new fear of water.

Brent and Cheryl VT said...

Make sure you teach him not to hold the dart board -- we forgot that one! Remember, we're living proof you can survive your children!

Fiagle Family said...

Got to watch out for those ponds! always in the way of stroller races. Glad turned out ok. everything looks so beautiful up there. how fun

Tara said...

it's amazing what our kids live through!! We've had a few of those close calls too. It just makes me cringe! Of course, in Blakes family with six boys they have stories that would blow your mind! Glad it all turned out okay - Brock is one tough little guy!!! I love your stories, and pictures! What a beautiful adventure!

AZ Owen's said...

Thats Hilarious! Isnt parenting fun?

The Songer said...

Awww Poor Brock... Glad he's okay, and hope his fear of water end quickly!

We used to joke that there was a competition in heaven and Sharyn lost and was the one to come down deal with all of Mariah's antics!

Good luck Brock.. Ady's a smart one!