People say that no two kids are the same. I don't know about the superlative nature of that statement. But I do know that our kids are very different. Ady is full of energy and a touch past high strung sometimes. Sometimes we call her our wild child. She only has two speeds, wide open throttle and out cold. She sleeps in, and is a very deep sleeper. Brock on the other hand is totally mellow. He loves to chill out. And he is so calm compared to Ady. He wakes up at the slightest noise and never ever lets us sleep in. Don't believe me that Brock is super mellow? Check out this picture.

Yep, that is fingernail paint all over Brock's head and face. Ady decided that she wanted to paint Brock. And do you think that Brock objected, nope, he just sat there and let her paint him. Kasey and I were upstairs and thought, "sheesh the kids are quiet, too quiet". Went downstairs and there the kids are practicing their artistic ways of expressing themselves. Hopefully someday Brock will figure out how to say no to Ady, and won't always go along with her half-cooked ideas.

Once Ady realized that she was in trouble she decided that the best way to get out of trouble was to let us know that she also painted herself a little. She had a very small drop, that is covered up by her finger.

Well my winter traveling is over. I completed the last sport show for this year. I was in Minneapolis, MN this last week and in Madison, WI just before that. I enjoy the pressure and difficulty of sales, but am glad that I will not be spending several weeks on the road again till next winter. By the way, something funny that Ady said last night. Ady was acting up at Grandma and Grandpa Haddock's house and Kasey was telling her to knock it off. Ady said something back, and Kasey told her if she was going to be sassy, she wouldn't get to play outside with her cousins. Ady's response was "I'm not sassy, I'm Ady.
Ady has also finally gotten past naming her stuffed animals generic names like horse, dog, and mouse. She informed us the other day that her blue stuffed dog she got for Christmas from Aunt Melanie has the name of Rufus. We asked her why she named him that. After about 5 tries to figure out her answer, I think we figured out that it was because he says "roof, roof!" She also decided to name her pink horse Buddy. No reason that we can figure, except Buddy is what we call Brock a lot...
And even though Ady can be a handful at times, she still is great to have around and I'm glad she keeps me company while Adam is gone. She can and does do and say some very cute things. This week that Adam has been gone, we traded vehicles with his parents. I was driving home and getting used to truck driving and mentioned to Ady that "I miss my car." To which Ady immediately replied "I miss my Dad." She makes sure to always bless him in her prayers too. "Please bless Dad while he is away on the airplane" Someday she might realize he actually gets off the airplane, but I just think it is pretty cute that she remembers him so I don't bother to correct her.
nail body paint. that must have been so much fun to clean off. Glad mine arent the only ones getting into trouble.
And that is why we don't have nail polish in our house. How long did that take to clean off.
do you remember when i would call jett bud or buddy....ady would turn around and say "hey butt!"
(or jerk) :)
I remember a pretty intense little Adam and a quite mellow Natalie - but it was Rachel who got the dart in the forehead. It's amazing children survive childhood!
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