Brandon, Leslie's (Kasey's sister) husband, and his brother flew in on Monday. Leslie and Brandon will be living here while she is stationed at Schofield Barracks. So I took Brandon over to the base so he could get a house and this is the sign I saw while there. "74 days since last FATAL accident." This caught me a bit off guard. I've seen signs about safety and how long since last accident at various warehouses or factories but I've never seen one that tracks time between fatal accidents. I guess in the military they don't count normal regular accidents, just the fatal ones.
Adyson has this thing for climbing into her walker and sometimes she doesn't do quite right, generally the results are rather comical. This one was pretty funny, she was stuck and screaming for me to get her out but I had to take the picture first. Adyson has figured out that she can push her walker right up under the TV, climb up on it and standing on top of the it can reach the TV. I just hooked up the TV about two weeks ago so that Kasey could watch the olympics but I think I'm gonna unplug it cause Ady is always turning it on.
My sister Rachel and her husband Sam just announced that they are pregnant and we are super excited for them and know that they will learn so much as parents. I thought that I'd share a few things that I have learned from Ady. Playing rough, like spinning or bouncing or whatever with the baby is kinda like shaking up a soda can and opening it. The only two difference is that you don't control when it get's opened and puke being sprayed all over you is way worse than soda. Also it is amazing how far and much puke can be projected. We call it power-puking. Once when we were at the Fort Lauderdale airport Ady was about a month old and Kasey had just fed her then handed her off to me to burp and hold. Well I noticed that Ady's mouth opened wide and her eyes got big like they do right before puking so I quickly held her away from me thinking that she would just puke on the floor. Nope. This solid stream came out straight for my face and neck. The worst part of it was that in the carry on diaper bag we had back a half dozen changes of clothes for Adyson but none for me. Ady taught us then and there always make sure everyone has a full set of clothes at all times.
Don't get me wrong, puking is not the only thing we have learned about from Adyson. We now know that poop comes in many forms and colors. Not just the various shades of brown but also greens, oranges black and even purple. I never knew you could poop purple. Also when it comes to being thrifty be careful with diapers. Yes, sometimes you can say "well it's not all the way full, we can wait a while and save a little money on diapers." But, be aware that an empty diaper can be filled real quickly and spill out, so a half full diaper can fill even faster and spill out way more. Once again an extra set of clothes for everyone is recommended. Another thing about diapers is that we have learned that sand has no nutritional value and poops out just as it was, all you get is a diaper full of sand.
In all seriousness having a baby is really exciting and a major educational experience for all involved and we are really excited for Rat and Sam.
The military post Fatal car accidents because more people die from motorcycle accidents then in Iraq. They are concerned with all accidents but mainly want to focus on keeping all troops alive hence valuing life. plus if you go so long with out an accident they will reward then entire post.
I hope there is more to parenting then learning how to clean them up. I don't remember much of that part and it's not cause I never helped with that part.
I'm so glad I'm out of the diaper stage. By the way tag you're it. Look at my blog.
Where are the pictures? They are not showing up for us. I never thought of it as power puking, but I do like the description. Mom
hehe....thats funny....i finally picked up someone elses wireless....i dont know how long this will last?
maybe this wont even post...
Yay! We can't wait to have our very own vomit and poop moments with our future children someday! It's stories like these that make us want to hurry up and have as many kids as possible, right away! lol j/k But, we're sure all of the grose moments are worth the funny and precious ones. =-)
Ali & Tom
Not all babies puke a lot... but the poop part is totally true.
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