Monday, July 20, 2009

M & M

What do you do when your 2 yr old sticks a yellow mini M&M up her nose in the middle of Relief Society?


EJNielsen said...

Laugh out loud!

Tara said...

I can't stop laughing right now - I hope you laughed! Did you get it out or did you end up in the ER? I hear stories all of the time, but (knock on wood) I haven't had a nose incident yet...

Tamaran said...

That is funny. What did you do?

Cazier Connection said...

That is just too funny! Today my friend just told me about her three year old grandson stuck a popcorn kernal up his nose. I think that Years ago Jesse or Richard or maybe Jared stuck a pea up his nose. So you are not the only one that has had it happen.

The Songer said...

i soo wish i was there..... so what happened?

Fiagle Family said...

LOL I remember my dad having to take hamburger out of a kids nose! I also love the popcorn...Dont you just love the things kids say

Jennifer said...

I would be thinking "Are you serious can you possibly have stuck something else up your nose!?" We have had many things up the nose at our house from Carissa with her rock that required a trip to the ER to Landon and his Flintstone vitamin. I have no idea why my kids think they need to stick things up their noses. Carissa figured it out after two times, but Landon is being a bit of a slow learner and he have had to extract things many times from his nose. On the bright side we have gotten really good at removing them and haven't had to make any more trips to the ER.

EmmaJ said...

Suck them out with your mouth over her nose and then chew, hoping the chocolate flavor covers up the boogers.

Justin and Melissa said...

haha that is hilarious and would much rather have that then the biggest fit that has ever been thrown in her whole time of living which is what I got last week so I just grabbed my stuff and we left.