Lately is seems that our life has been filled with shoveling snow, making t-shirts, and cleaning up after two very messy kids. A couple of days ago I told Ady that she had to clean her room. She wanted to watch the Tinkerbell movie, so I told her she could watch when her room was clean. She got this funny look where her eyes get real big, opens her mouth and looks at me like I just asked her to turn into a baboon. "The whole room!?" "Do I have to clean it all by myself?" I told her that she made the mess and that I am tired of picking up her toys and clothes so yes she had to do it all by herself. We went up to her room and I got the box for her legos, the hamper box thing, and the toy box. I got a chair, put the boxes by me, and told her to put the correct items in their boxes. I've never seen anything so ridiculous. Ady would grab one lego and walk it over to the box. Then she would grab one sock, or one toy and put the item in its box. Sometimes she would grab two legos, but then she had to stick them together walk the 5 steps across the room, take them back apart and put them in the box one at a time. Took one hour and 7 minutes to do a job that should have taken less than 10 minutes.
I am tired of winter. I hate shoveling snow and miss winters in Hawaii and Florida. I for one can't wait for winter to be over.
Kasey loves working over at her mom's store. She has been learning how to use the embroidery machines and working with vinyl. I'm starting to worry that she is going to want to buy an embroidery or vinyl machine of her own soon.
Brock is all over the place. He has figured out how to climb up stairs and loves to climb up the stairs and then whine till we go up, get him, and bring him back down so that he can do it all over again. Brock can stand on his own now for a couple of seconds and we are worried that he will be walking soon.
Ady loves being in the sunbeam class for primary at church. Every night we try to sing a song with her before she goes to bed. We usually let her pick the song to sing. But lately she only asks for two songs, the Sunbeam song and Rudolph. I've tried explaining to her that it isn't Christmas time, but she doesn't care.

We have managed to find time to just relax and play around. Recently we got a couple of new Wii games. I bought Kasey the Super Mario Bros All-Star game for Christmas. And I had a Cabelas coupon and after combining it with a gift card from Melanie and Ryan, was able to buy the Cabelas Dangerous Hunts 2011 for 11 dollars. Kasey has decided that it is a pretty sweet game and we go on hunting safaris together. As you can see, Brock likes to hang out and watch with us. Tomorrow I am leaving for Cincinnati where I will be attending the 2011 outdoor expo and boat show. Then the following week I will be in Chicago for a business meeting and the outdoor expo there. I'm pretty excited for the shows and having several days to check out all the new gear and boats that will be on display!