Adyson loves taking baths and showers. Her favorite toy recently has been the cup that we use to pour water on her and the plug. She loves taking the plug out and then sticking it back in.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fun in the Tub
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Helpful Ady
This is Ady playing with the Saran Wrap. I was getting something out of the drawer so she decided that she should help and got it out. Then she dragged it around till she had several yards unrolled. Don't worry though she tried to re-wrap it back onto the roll. She is always so helpful. We've learned something this last week, we've got about 3 seconds after she gets hurt before she screams really loud. Now for those of you who don't have children those 3 seconds are really important. They represent the amount of time you have to very quickly walk out of church before the wailing begins and interrupts the meeting.
Here's another picture of Ady being helpful, can you guess what she's doing?
Ady loves helping with the dishes. Of course, help is a term we use loosely in our house. But she is great at splashing water everywhere, moving dishes into the dish drainer that are dirty and putting the clean dishes back into the sink.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
So I was tagged a couple times- a while ago, and I am finally getting around to answering them. I'm know I'm slow, but I really like getting to know people better!
The rules are to take 10 pictures of the following
things and you have to do it right away. No straightening, cleaning, or wiping your
kids noses, then tag 6 others.
As most of you know, Adam is attending BYU-Hawaii. Housing here is as expensive as Key West, but on-campus housing is a little cheaper, bigger, and nicer. Although we haven't settled down, bought a house, or a van, etc. we have many great memories and experiences we wouldn't trade for anything. So here is a look at us still building those great "poor college student" memories.
What your kids are doing right now:
A self portrait:
No one else put a real one in, so I'm not either...I'm just gonna rub in that I can play on the beach anytime I want.
My Closet:
I think it's a funny comparison..our closet vs. Ady's.
My Bathroom:
Lets just say that even though there is no counter, we're just grateful for a full tub.
My Kitchen Sink:
The only reason the dishes got done is because my wonderful husband did them! But can you tell the one thing he hates to wash?
My Favorite Room:
I guess it is where the couch is. Cynderblock decoration...can't put anything on the memories coming back anyone?
My Fridge:
Just some pic's, papers and lots of free magnets. The only thing of note here is that creme paper with the red outline. Why is that you ask? It's because it is Adam's Official Dean's List Certificate. Funny thing is...when Adam got it in the mail, he had to ask me what a Dean's list was.
My Laundry Room:
Another "perk of living on-campus" is that we get to share our laundry room with all the other married couples living on-campus.
My Dream Vacation:
I hope everyone can recognize this!
Cinderella's Castle. Yes, out of all the traveling, I still love theme parks the most!
My Favorite Shoe:
and I'll finish with a culture lesson from Hawaii...these are not called 'flip-flops' in Hawaii. They are called sandals. There is no such thing as a flip-flop here.
5 things on my to do list:
1. Go to the Dentist
2. Prepare Relief Society Lesson
3. Spend more quality time with my husband
4. Study for the Aquatics Exerise Association Exam
5. Finish reading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. (I started last March!)
5 things I'd do if I suddenly became a millionare
1. Donate scholarships for all the poor college students in my family and at BYUH
2. Pay for Richard and Louivens(Key West) Missions
3. Pay off student loans
4. Buy a resort for Adam and us to own and run.
5. There will be no money left after buying a resort:(
5 snacks I love:
1. Doritoes
2. Choc covered raisins
3. Gushers
4. fresh fruit
5. nuts
5 places I've lived:
1. Vernal, Morgan, Price, Ephraim & Logan, Utah( couldn't not give credit to all of them )
2. Tulsa OK
3. Mt. Carmel IL
4. Korea
4.5 Key West, FL
5. Laie, HI
5 jobs I've had
1. Farmer-Clarks Dairy
2. UDOT Construction -Morgan
3. Statistics Tutor- Snow College
4. Camp Councelor/ Wakeboard/Water ski instructor- Southern Utah
5. Accountant-Key West & Hawaii
(although I hated my first couple of jobs, they did teach me how to work hard, and that I needed to get better jobs.)
5 things people don't know about me:
1. I scored 1 soccer goal in intramurals-1 more than Adam did!
2. I taught Ady how to do somersaults
3. I don't change as many diapers as my husband does
4. My favorite Movies are Annie, Newsies and The Little Mermaid.
5. I like Waterfalls and Lighthouses.
I tag Adam, Adyson, My Mom(I guess that means you have to blog), Adam's Mom, and Lauren to do one or the other or both tags.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Playing with Ady
Hey everyone, I thought I'd take a break from all of my homework and bring you an update on all of our lives. This is Ady's newest thing. Hide-n-seek. She loves it. One of us will hide and then the other will ask "Ady where is mom/dad?" This is the face Ady makes. Its her "I don't know what are we gonna do?" look. Then she covers her mouth like she is trying to hold in her excitement and runs off to find the person. Usually we jump out and scare her right before she finds us and she shrieks and then starts laughing. After laughing and sometimes falling down cuz she is laughing so hard then she gives us a hug and waits for us to hide again. We don't even have to pick a new hiding spot. She loves doing this for hours. We always wear out way before her. But then yesterday there was a twist. During lunch Ady went and hid on the side of the couch. Of course her legs and rear end were sticking out and we saw her hide she didn't care. Kasey said "Where's Ady?" and Adyson jumped up and squealed. We all laughed and before we were even done laughing Ady hid again, in the same place of course. After several minutes of her hiding and surprising us I waited for her to hide and hid. Then when she popped up she looked around a little confused, looked at Kasey, gave her usual look and ran off to find me. We have now branched out and play everywhere we go.

This is Adyson playing yesterday. I don't know why but she put all of these random things under this chair and then sat under the chair for about 45 minutes playing with each of them. Now for those of you who don't have children 45 minutes is a very very long time. The items that she had under the chair with her were kinda interesting. In her hand she has her plastic fork, on her leg is a cloth book, that wadded up piece of paper is a homework assignment of mine that she got her hands on, that's my ankle brace by her foot, the piece of plastic that you can see by her foot is an outlet cover and her soccer ball.
This is Adyson playing yesterday. I don't know why but she put all of these random things under this chair and then sat under the chair for about 45 minutes playing with each of them. Now for those of you who don't have children 45 minutes is a very very long time. The items that she had under the chair with her were kinda interesting. In her hand she has her plastic fork, on her leg is a cloth book, that wadded up piece of paper is a homework assignment of mine that she got her hands on, that's my ankle brace by her foot, the piece of plastic that you can see by her foot is an outlet cover and her soccer ball.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Sea Life Park
Here are some pics from Sea Life Park. Ady loves animals. It's so cute to take her to these places. She is really funny, especially now she thinks that anything with 4 legs makes a barking noise! She see's the animal(even chickens), points at it, and will make a kind of oupf oup sound. She was very curious about all the fish and marine life at the park, and you could tell she was completely enjoying herself even though it was a very hot Hawaii summer day! 
Adam & Kasey showing their inner child by riding the dolphins they could afford!(to swim with the dolphins was over $150 each!)
Adyson loved the aquarium. Or should we say loved to stick her face to the Aquarium glass? At one point a puffer fish was looking in the window above Ady. She was pointing at it, and whining, so I lifted her up to it, then she looked at it in the face and decided she didn't really want to be that close to it and was pushing away with her hands very hard, so I put her down and she would go back to pointing and whining to be lifted up again. We tried again, and got the same result. It was very comical.
Petting the turtle at the kids touching pool. By the way, "petting" has taken on new meaning to Adyson lately, its not "just a touch" anymore. She has to make sure to really pet the whole thing and she's not afraid to be rough with it either.
The dolphin hitting the red ball with its nose while jumping out of the water at the Hawaiian Animal Show.

Adam & Kasey showing their inner child by riding the dolphins they could afford!(to swim with the dolphins was over $150 each!)
More dolphins-at the dolphin show-these ones seemed huge. They were bigger than I remember seeing at Sea World. Adam informed me that it's because they are from the Pacific Ocean and they are 3-4 times larger. Good thing I have such a knowledgeable guy around! Which I will add that he has gone back to he is gone to study at night and I am here updating our blog. I will miss my hubbie this semester. It was so nice to have him home watching Adyson and making sure I had lunch ready when I came home for my break, and doing lots of other helpful things this summer. But now Adam is taking a hard finance class and a 9 credit class called "the business core." I basically consists of being put into groups, coming up with and creating a real business-yes real as in real life(any ideas?)- and a bunch of work to make your group and business profitable thru learning marketing, finances, entrepreneurship, HR, management etc. Adam was selected as a President for his group-that means he will be even more busy! But we are hoping that it gets him in some good networking with some of the professors and people involved with the Entrepreneur center here at BYUH, and can help us out in the long run. Since, if you don't know already, Adam would like to buy his own resort and run it someday. Kind of like the one he worked for in Minnesota with cabins, boats, and a lake for fishing.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Holiday
So we had a great Labor Day weekend, except we lost our camera Saturday. We went hiking to Maunawilli Falls and jumped of the cliffs into the pool-way fun-not sure what happened to the camera, but it didn't make it home with us. Monday we went to Sea Life Park. Our friends were nice enough to let us borrow thier camera for the park. We'll post pictures later after we get those pictures. But for those of you that have tagged me, I'm not ignoring you, I was even planning on doing the tags this past weekend, but since we don't have a camera right now, it put a damper on those plans. Anyway I am substituting a good joke. This one actually happened:
So I was explaining to my husband the other night about my new fixed asset job at BYU Hawaii and what I think am supposed to do and how I am slowly learning how to add assets and transfer them. I'm learning more about the university's methods for depreciation, etc., and I ended up with saying “I think I am supposed to Capitalize things, but I don’t really know how.” And he turned to me and said:
"Well, why don’t you just use the big letters?"
I usually don’t laugh at my husbands’ lame jokes so as not to encourage them, but even I was laughing pretty hard at this one.
So I was explaining to my husband the other night about my new fixed asset job at BYU Hawaii and what I think am supposed to do and how I am slowly learning how to add assets and transfer them. I'm learning more about the university's methods for depreciation, etc., and I ended up with saying “I think I am supposed to Capitalize things, but I don’t really know how.” And he turned to me and said:
"Well, why don’t you just use the big letters?"
I usually don’t laugh at my husbands’ lame jokes so as not to encourage them, but even I was laughing pretty hard at this one.
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