Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Family News

Well I thought I could make up for the small quantity of posts recently with a quality post. You know what they say, quality not quantity. Of course Ady was very interested in the news.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Growing up and becoming independant

Ady is probably better with a computer than I am. This morning when I got up, I heard a movie playing and went into Ady's room. There was Ady sitting in front of a laptop watching Care Bears. I assumed that Kasey must've gotten it set up before she left for work. So then I called Kasey to ask if she had fed Ady anything. But when I asked Kasey told me that Ady was still asleep when she left for work. That means that Ady got up, turned on the computer, went and got a DVD, put it in, started it, and hit enter when the menu came up. Pretty good for a two year old I'd say. Makes me worry that tomorrow I am gonna wake up and find out she walked to the store to buy some candy.